Google offers Rs 135 crore near troubled India

Google offers Rs 135 crore near troubled India

 Google's largest search engine has announced $ 135 million in financial aid to India that was devastated by the Corona outbreak. However, they do not transfer money directly to the Indian government.

 The money will be used to purchase medical equipment through a voluntary donation to India and UNICEF, to assist organizations working with at-risk patients and to raise awareness of the epidemic. News in Indian media.

 On Monday (April 26), Google chief executive Sundar Photosi announced financial support on Twitter.

 He wrote on Twitter, ‘I am saddened to see the state of cowardice in India worsening. Google and Google employees donate Rs 135 crore to India and UNICEF to purchase medical equipment, assist organizations working with at-risk patients and share important information with the public.

 Sanjay Gupta, head of India Google, said they would work with the Indian government at this critical time.

 According to Google, out of the Rs 135 crore, 20 crore were issued by the company's social services organization With the money given to Give India, the money will be passed on to families affected by the epidemic. The remaining money will go to UNICEF to buy emergency medical equipment, increase oxygen supply, and increase the number of kits needed for corona testing. It is also learned that 900 Google employees have donated $ 36 million.

 Although he did not announce the amount, Microsoft chief executive Satya Nadella also said work was underway to distribute financial aid to India. He wrote on Twitter, ‘I feel frustrated with the situation in India. The United States thanks the Government of India for its assistance. We will continue to support the purchase of medical equipment, technical assistance, assistance and oxygen concentrators. "

 The United States has already sent 316 oxygen concentrators to India. President Joe Biden has promised to send needed supplies, test kits, respirators, PPE kits and remedies in the coming days.

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