Thibaut Courtois blasts Real Madrid teammates after RB Leipzig defeat

 Thibaut Courtois blasts Real Madrid teammates after RB Leipzig defeat

 Thibaut Courtois has criticised his teammates' loss of attempt following real Madrid's 3-2 defeat to RB Leipzig.

real Madrid misplaced for the number one time this season in Leipzig after conceding early goals and each different with 10 minutes left that ended their hopes of getting back on degree terms.

It wasn't a lucky win for the house side with the resource of any way either with them having extra photographs and typically growing extra from open play.

speaking after the Champions League in shape, Courtois emerge astired a ways from happy with how his teammates defended within the front of him and made that clear.

"on occasion we go worntired asleep, with out aggressiveness or depth, and in opposition to a group like Leipzig, you pay dearly," he stated. "The educate had warned us that they scored plenty of desires in their final five video games at domestic or even so we went obtainable wrongly.

"It can't be that in two corner kicks they score dreams and we defended so badly inside the second. We scored the aim before the ruin, however in the second 1/2 we not notedtired many passes, controls and it became now not a very good game.

"The 1/3, it kills you for the very last minutes... as a goalkeeper from in the back of you phrase that you have not entered the game, they gained each duel and it happened in each dreams, we defended badly because of lack of depth.

"We need to wake up, a awful day can display up because there are numerous games in a row in a quick time, however intensity can't be missing although we're c5ed7369a5a50edae102076547d1405a. There are game enthusiasts on the bench and you need to supply 100% every 2d."

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